So the summer semester has come to a close. Man was that long but we did it right. Can I say this was my best work yet I don't know you tell me in the comments. Moving on from the Pavilion project we were asked to pick a children's book and I picked the giving tree. A pretty dull book but I took the challenge; in this book there was a tree and a boy. In the story the boy loved the tree but as the boy grew older he began to lose his connection to the tree but later comes back as an old man to the tree. You guys might have to read it for yourself. But moving on i decided to approach this with a couple of abstract models taking the story and trying to connect them to a structural phase. Steps moving forward i came up with a building that tells a story and also reflects the context of the site( Newbury street, Boston MA.) Feel free to read the book ( Now to my project.......Enjoy!!! ...